Care and Maintenance of Throws: Keeping Them Fresh – Olavanta
Care and Maintenance of Throws: Keeping Them Fresh

Care and Maintenance of Throws: Keeping Them Fresh

Welcome to our blog, where we will dive into the wonderful world of throws! Whether you're a fan of cozying up on the couch or adding an extra touch of style to your home decor, throws are versatile and oh-so-comfortable. But just like any other household item, they require some care and maintenance to keep them looking fresh. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about caring for your beloved throws, from cleaning tips to proper storage techniques. So let's get started and ensure that your throws stay in tip-top shape for years to come!

What are throws?

Throws are versatile home accessories that can add warmth and style to any space. They are usually made of soft, cozy materials such as fleece, wool, or cotton. Throws come in various sizes and designs, ranging from simple solid colors to intricate patterns.

One of the main purposes of throws is to provide an extra layer of comfort on cold days. You can drape them over your couch or bed for added coziness while relaxing or sleeping. Throws also serve as decorative accents, adding a pop of color or texture to your living room or bedroom.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, throws are practical items that can be used year-round. During warmer months, you can use them as lightweight blankets for picnics in the park or outdoor gatherings with friends and family.

When it comes to caring for throws, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance. Most throws can be machine washed on a gentle cycle using mild detergent. However, some delicate materials may require hand washing or dry cleaning.

Regularly removing dirt and debris from your throw is essential in keeping it fresh and clean. Vacuuming or shaking off any loose particles will help maintain its appearance over time.

To prevent stains from setting in, address spills promptly by blotting the affected area with a clean cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the stain vigorously as this may damage the fabric fibers.

Proper drying techniques are crucial in maintaining the quality of your throw. Air drying is often recommended for delicate materials like wool or cashmere; simply lay the throw flat on a clean surface until completely dry.

If you need to store your throw when not in use, make sure it is fully dry before folding it neatly and placing it in a breathable storage bag or container. This will help protect it from dust and moisture while preserving its shape.

Taking care of your throws will ensure they remain soft, cozy, and beautiful for years to come  ready whenever you need a little extra warmth or style in your home.

How to care for throws

Throws are not only cozy and stylish additions to your home decor, but they also have the ability to bring warmth and comfort. To ensure that your throws always look fresh and feel soft, proper care is essential.

It's important to read the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Some throws may require dry cleaning, while others can be machine washed. Follow these guidelines carefully to avoid any damage or shrinkage.

Regular maintenance includes gentle shaking or brushing off any loose dirt or debris from your throw. This helps in keeping them clean and free from allergens. If there are any spills or stains on your throw, address them immediately.

For smaller stains, spot cleaning with a mild detergent mixed with water should do the trick. Gently blot the affected area using a clean cloth until the stain lifts away without rubbing too vigorously.

When it comes to drying your throw after washing or spot cleaning, air drying is usually recommended as high heat can cause shrinkage or damage delicate fabrics. Lay it flat on a clean surface or hang it over a clothesline away from direct sunlight.

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the longevity of your throws. Ensure they are completely dry before folding them neatly and storing them in a cool, dry place like a linen closet or drawer.

By following these simple care tips regularly, you can keep your throws looking fresh and feeling cozy for years to come!

What to do if your throw is dirty

Accidents happen, and sometimes our beloved throws can end up with a stain or two. But fear not, because there are steps you can take to ensure your throw stays fresh and clean.

First things first, when dealing with a dirty throw, it's important to act fast. The longer you wait, the more difficult it may be to remove the stain completely. Start by gently blotting the stained area with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb any excess liquid.

Next, check the care instructions on your throw. Different materials may require different cleaning methods. If the tag specifies that it is machine washable, follow those directions carefully. Use cold water and a mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.

For throws that cannot be machine washed, spot cleaning may be necessary. Mix a small amount of gentle soap or detergent with water until suds form. Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently dab at the stain in circular motions until it begins to lift.

Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach as they can damage the fabric fibers or alter its color.

Once you have successfully removed the stain from your throw, rinse it thoroughly using cold water until all traces of soap are gone.

Allow your throw to air dry completely before using again or storing away. Avoid direct sunlight as this may cause fading over time.

Remember to always read and follow specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer for best results! By taking these simple steps into consideration when dealing with dirtied throws,
you'll keep them looking fresh for years to come!

How to dry your throw

When it comes to drying your throw, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, check the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. This will give you specific guidelines on how to properly dry your throw.

If the care instructions allow machine drying, make sure to set the dryer on a gentle or low heat setting. Excessive heat can cause shrinkage or damage to delicate fabrics. Tumble dry your throw until it is just slightly damp, then remove it from the dryer promptly.

If air drying is recommended, find a well-ventilated area where you can lay your throw flat or hang it up. Avoid direct sunlight as this can fade colors over time. Gently reshape and smooth out any wrinkles before allowing your throw to air dry completely.

For throws made of wool or other natural fibers, avoid hanging them as this may cause stretching. Instead, consider laying them flat on a clean towel or using a mesh laundry rack for support during the drying process.

Remember that proper drying techniques will help prolong the life of your throw and keep it looking fresh for years to come!

How to store your throw

Properly storing your throw when it's not in use is essential for keeping it fresh and pristine. Here are some tips on how to store your throw:

1. Clean the throw before storage: Before tucking away your throw, make sure it's clean and free from any dirt or stains. Follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

2. Fold neatly: To prevent wrinkles and creases, fold your throw neatly in a way that minimizes its size while still maintaining its shape.

3. Use storage bags or containers: Investing in a breathable storage bag or container specifically designed for textiles can help protect your throw from dust, moisture, and pests. Avoid using plastic bags as they can trap moisture.

4. Store in a cool, dry place: Find a cool, dry spot away from direct sunlight to store your throws. Excessive exposure to heat and sunlight can cause fading and damage the fabric over time.

5. Rotate occasionally: If you have multiple throws, consider rotating them every few months so that each one gets equal use and air circulation.

By following these simple steps, you'll ensure that your throws stay fresh and ready for cozy moments whenever you need them!


Taking proper care of your throws is essential to keeping them fresh and ensuring their longevity. By following these simple steps, you can maintain the beauty and functionality of your throws for years to come.

Remember, understanding what type of throw you have will help determine the best care routine. Whether it's a delicate wool throw or a cozy fleece blanket, treating each one with care will ensure they remain in top condition.

Regularly vacuuming or shaking out your throws will keep them free from dust and debris. If a spill occurs, it's crucial to act quickly by blotting the area with a clean cloth and avoiding rubbing or scrubbing which may cause further damage.

When it comes to washing your throw, always check the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidance. Handwashing or using a gentle cycle on low heat is generally recommended for most throws. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach as they can weaken fibers over time.

Once washed, drying your throw properly is key. Air-drying flat on a clean surface is ideal for delicate materials like wool or cashmere. For others, such as cotton or acrylic blends, using low heat in the dryer might be appropriate but avoid high temperatures that could shrink or damage the fabric.

When storing your throws during warmer months or when not in use, make sure they are clean and completely dry before packing them away. Fold them neatly without creasing excessively to prevent permanent wrinkles.

By following these tips on caring for your Olavanta throws (or any other brand), you'll enjoy their softness and warmth year after year while also maintaining their appearance and quality over time.

So go ahead – snuggle up under that cozy throw while knowing you've taken all necessary steps to keep it fresh!



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Can I use a fabric softener with throws?

It's best to avoid fabric softeners as they can leave a residue and reduce a throw's absorbency and softness.

How often should I wash my throws?

Washing frequency depends on usage. For throws used daily, aim for every few weeks. Less frequently used throws can be cleaned every few months.

Can I dry clean my throws?

While many throws are machine washable, some may require dry cleaning. Always check the care label for guidance.

What if my throw has a specific stain, like red wine or ink?

For specific stains, consider professional cleaning to avoid setting the stain further. Share the stain type with the cleaner for best results.

Can throws be used outdoors?

Throws designed for outdoor use are available. They are typically more durable and resistant to moisture and UV rays.

How can I prevent my throws from shedding or pilling?

Regularly shake and brush your throws to remove loose fibers. Washing with cold water and mild detergent can also help prevent shedding.